ClickCease Bus Shelter Advertising – Digital Outdoor Advertising – New York, Los Angeles & All Major Domestic Markets

Bus Shelter Advertising

Bus shelter advertising, like most forms of outdoor media today, is available in both digital and traditional. This normally depends on the city and wealth profile of parts of a city. A common misconception is that bus shelter advertisements are designed to reach people who ride the bus. However, bus shelter advertising serves as a small billboard to grab the attention of vehicles and passersby on the sidewalk.

Bus shelter advertising can be a guide for consumers to get to your business. For example, your directional advertisement can help guide people through your drive-through coffee shop. As a more specific example, have you ever seen a McDonald’s ad that says “big Mac quarter mile ahead on the right” with an arrow? All outdoor media should be considered an extension of your branding and messaging. Outdoor media advertising is useful to reinforce the other components of your marketing strategy, including traditional and digital marketing.

Positioned at bus stops in heavy-traffic areas, bus shelter advertisements are a great way to target both people on foot and inside their cars. They are located conveniently at eye level making for easy-to-read eye-catching opportunities. Is your target audience a commuter driving by in traffic? Do they take the bus as their form of transportation? Or maybe your target audience simply lives nearby and walks past the bus stop regularly. Either way, you are getting a large audience to view your brand. Similar to bus advertising, these shelters give you the ability to reach a larger demographic of people based on positioning.

Much like other forms of outdoor advertising, Bus Shelters are going digital. This makes room for more creative opportunities as well as flexible scheduling based on what audience you would like to target.

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